
Archive for the ‘Holidays’ Category

Sister Cook.

Sorry all I haven’t really been a good blogger, my new house doesn’t have internet. I go online when I am at my in-laws. They live a couple of miles away from us. And while I am there I never really have a good idea for a post! 🙂 I am too scatter-brained to come up with anything! Things have been going very well for us. We love being married, I get very lonely when I am in the house all by myself while I make supper and wait for him to get home from work! This weekend we got our first snow storm of the season. We were coming back from visiting friends in Scottville and it was snowing and blowing. I knew I wasn’t going to have to go into work the next day. In the early morning I got a text from Marge saying that Delta was closed until noon. Aaron suggested that I could stay up just to say that I stayed up. But I was still in my groggy-Lauren mind and I set my alarm for eight o’clock. Yessss, I get to sleep in. My phone began to go off, it was Betsy. She was calling to inform me that school was delayed.


“Hi, I was just calling to tell you that school is delayed.”

“I know.”

“Oh, well okay. You can go back to bed. Happy sleeping!”

After she hung up I looked at the alarm clock.

“That figures…”

“Hmm?” Aaron replied.

“She calls three minutes before my alarm is to go off.” I appreciated the call though. But you have to know me, I am very slow when I wake up. Delta ended up being closed all day due to the bad roads.

That day Aaron and I went shopping. We were in desperate need of groceries! We purchased things for baking. I was looking forward to baking in my house when I got married. Tonight I am going to do zucchini bread and I cut up bananas and put them in the dehydrator. It is about 14 days until Christmas and I STILL have not gone shopping! Aaron had gotten some done on Monday, but I haven’t got my portion done yet! Tick, tick, tick I know heehee.

-Sister Cook (I really like that)

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Pressure between the temples.

I don’t understand how something that isn’t supposed to take hours ends up taking hours. For anybody who is having a birthday take my advice and TAKE THE STINKIN’ DAY OFF! Not just from work, but from everything. And make sure you get it off in time to tell your fiance so he can ask for the day off too, because if your fiance can get it off, then your whole day would have gone a whole lot better! 

If you don’t want to do something, then do it some other time. It is your birthday and you really should spend it how you want to spend it.

As far as visiting my Gramma’s grave, I could have screamed when I saw that the bridge was closed. At that point I just really didn’t care anymore. I didn’t want to mess around with bridges and alternative routes. I went to two thrift stores and bought nothing but a crocheted hand towel type deal thing, you know, the kind they put on the fridge. It was 53 cents, Happy Birthday to me.

As I was in the second thrift store when Aaron called me to let me know that he was done with work. So I left and went back home to change out of my casual clothes into nicer going-out-to-eat clothes. And with a broken dryer my laundry has been neglected and smells like, well, dirty laundry. So I dig in my suitcase that I still haven’t unpacked yet and pulled out a denim dress. Meh, it was a little wrinkly, I could use the Downy Wrinkle Releaser. I searched for it and asked where it was. My brother said that he had it in his room. He came out with spray air freshener. “Then forget it.” I said blankly. I was done caring about it and I ended up wearing something I had worn two days earlier.

At this point I was too aggravated to care but you still probably did not want to talk to me. While waiting for Aaron to come I blew off some steam while playing FrontierVille on Facebook, when I really should have been praying this whole time!

My day immediatly got better when I saw Aaron standing in the doorway with flowers. We were matching and we didn’t even plan it that way! When we shut the back door behind us, we stood there for a long time and hugged each other, it is amazing what a hug can do.

My evening was about to get better. After some alternative routes and me finally realizing where we were, he took me out to eat, by this time I wasn’t thinking about how bad my day was. We went back to my parents house and he gave me my birthday present…are you ready ladies? A marble rolling pin!

Later my brother, Aaron and I sat around and spent time together, which consisted of making fun of the commercials on T.V. and contemplating how many cell phones you would need to be a ballerina.

Needless to say, the pressure has been released.

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My birthday is coming up in August. Since I don’t have anything planned I thought I would make fun and create a wishlist. Pardon my random.

  • Cheesecake
  • $1,045.23
  • My own house
  • Flip-flops that I keep forgetting to buy
  • More picture frames
  • The planet Saturn
  • Chickens
  • New(er) car. Nothing fancy, just more recent. The kind of car that gets me from point A to B and back again without any trouble.
  • A trip to the UP
  • Shelves for all my books that are currently stacked on my desk
  • A fan
  • Ice cream, the cherry kind because it makes my back feel better haha
  • A water bottle
  • Skirts that are light and that fit my properly.
  • Lessons on things that matter
  • A good use for leftover dryer lint

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Happy Mother’s Day

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I had a Good Friday.

I have a sore throat. You know the kind. You wake up, swallow and it hurts. And it is only if you drink something hot when you can find relief. The Zicam spray isn’t working so I can’t spray my mouth to numb it. I can’t be drinking coffee all day either (oh my, that would be terrible.) So, I might just drink tea most of the day.

Yesterday was a good day. One, I decided it would be a good day and two I had a full scheduale ahead of me. 🙂

I went out to Freeland to pick up Cupcake from the vet. One of the receptionist said that they would miss her. They gave her a bath and put a bandana on her, 🙂 which was a blessing because when Cupcake doesn’t get groomed she gets matted. She has to take a pill once a day with food.

After that, I went to the Good Friday Service at church. Various people from the congreagation portrayed the different people that Jesus had touched while He was here on Earth. The woman at the well, Lazarus and so on.

At a little after 3 I headed over to the Cooks. They were having a seder meal. I helped them get ready by helping Naomi set the table, making a salad, washing dishes, and arranging olive and pickle plates.

Everyone sat around the table, except for poor Aaron who bumped his head on a tractor. 😦 We followed the Haggadah (did I spell it correctly?), leaned to the left, and ate bitter herbs, an apple mixture, mazaoth-that flat bread stuff (??) egg, and horseradish. Not all of the same time mind you, but at different parts of the meal to represent different happenings in the Old Testement. We had a lot of good food for dinner. Betsy made layered Jell-O. 🙂 It was pretty.

Irvin and I were the “children” during the meal. Mr. Cook hid the…okay I’m just going to call it bread because I don’t know how to spell it! Anyways, he hid the bread in the living room before we ate dinner. Irvin went and found it before me. Since Irvin did it without me, I found the bread wrapped in the towel, under a pillow, in the living room and won a Hershey Kiss. 😛 There goes another thing I can add to my list that is right up there with cream of wheat!

Afterwards we visited. I crushed ice for Betsy, which was a very stress-relieving task. We had been talking about math, and we all know how I feel about math! I had everyone in the kitchen laughing at me, “Can’t you see how distraught I am?” I yelled over the pounding.

Summer is coming. Yesterday it was hot out. I need summer skirts and shirts so that might be a thing I can do after I cry over, I mean, do my math. 😀 heehee

Okay, it is official. I am NOT having a TV in my future house. End of story.

Have a nice day everyone!

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Spring Break is here.

Spring Break is here! The days are getting more sunny and warmer.

Summer is coming soon! Which means…

  • ASL 3 class
  • Starting a vegetable garden and berry garden with mom
  • My birthday

…amoung other things. 🙂

Sorry for the short post, but after those last few I think we need a break! 😀

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So I’ve got to go shopping for food for this weekend today. Aldi will be my first stop. Aldi- if you haven’t shopped there you probably should check it out.

 I went to JoAnn’s last night. I bought a sewing basket for my suff. My mom says I’m becoming quite the domestic goddess.


Don’t expect too many more updates. I’ll be gone all weekend and I don’t have internet access up at Higgins so have an amazing holiday weekend! God bless the U.S.A.!


Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God.

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So , My weekend pretty much starts on Thursday.

Thursday night: I went out with some of the girls in the Youth to Kokomos, we goofed off there. Then we went to Pizza Hut then Tropical Smoothie. We sat around at Hannah’s house for awhile. Then the little ones had to go to bed. Kristin spent the night. She went down at 12 I stayed up until 2.

Friday: I remember getting up at about 9. I dropped Kristin off at her house. Went to Meijers to get my new camera and video camera. I love them! With time to kill and rummage sales abound I decided to buy Anna and Allison some nice shirts. They were very nice and cheap. I think the must I payed was $5.00…not even that maybe…


At 6:30 I went over to the Schuitman’s. I really didn’t get much of the message because I was going in and out answering phone calls and making them.

I left there at about 9. Off to the Webb’s! When I got there we visited until the girls had to go upstairs and settle down. 🙂 I got some really funny video of Amanda. 🙂 We watched Enchanted. It was a very cute movie. 🙂 Amanda was the first to go to bed. Sarah and Aimee followed shortly after. Katie and I watched it until the end. Which was around 1 A.M.

We got up in the morning and got ready to leave. Some of the girls got their make-up done at the Webb’s. We left at around 11:30 to go get hair done. I got some very good pictures of that too. You should check it out on my Facebook.

We all made our venture to church, ate Subway and did some more running around. Those last finishing touches and set-ups.

Until…finally 5 P.M. everything was still and quietly. The music was playing and the ceremoy began. It was beautiful! I came very close to crying a few times but I kept it together. 😀 The reception was good. It consisted of slide shows, wisdom, song and speeches, and many laughs. The cake was delicious! I would have eaten a second piece but…I resisted. 😀

Afterwards we got to see them off. They road away in Josh’s red pick-up truck sporting a Bush/Cheney 2004 sticker on the back. It was the cherry on top of a beautiful, memorible day.

I took Kristin home, and then went to Muriel’s house and played cards with Becky, Drew, Amanda and Michelle. I got to bed at about 1A.M.-ish.

I woke up late for church but got there in time before anything started. I don’t even remember what the service was about…but I took notes so that was okay.

After church I went to the Wedding’s house. This being my first time out there I really enjoyed it. It had a lived-in-welcome-home feeling. It made me feel good. I wish to have a home like that one day. A safe haven for my family and friends and whoever God sends our way.

I left there about 5:30 I think. I was also invited to Michelle’s house for a bonfire. That was great! I love all the kids running around and acting silly for the cameras! Seeing them makes me so excited or my future when I will have little ones running around and showing off like that. 🙂

I was surprised I even made it home! I had been going non-stop for about four days! But I was having such a good time!


And Monday…I really didn’t do anything. 🙂

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So, my Facebook Fast has been going pretty good. I feel more freedom and I actually have time for things!

Wendsday started my weekend somewhat.


We lost a dear saint from our congregation. Linda, had cancer for a very long time. She got to see Jesus Wendsday morning. She is free from her body and the pain that she was in. And from what I unerstand she was in terrible pain constantly. She never lost sight of the Lord, who she loves. She gets to spend Easter in Heaven.

I found out about her passing Wendsday afternoon, I left my phone at home on the charger by accident, but it was probably for my benefit because I don’t know how I would have acted if I found out at school.

Maundy Thursday was good. It was just a nice time of reflection.

On Good Friday, instead of a traditional service we held “The Stations of the Cross” is was a “self-leading” tour of the different stages leading up to the crucifixtion (SP?) of Jesus and the later events until He went back to Heaven.

 After that I went to Meijers and bought a couple new shirts and some STUFF (Hannah, would only get that haha.) for the Roy’s house. I made these strawberry thingies with whipped cream, chocolate syrup and a little cookie thing on top. They were very pretty. After we were finished eating we stuffed two totes of Easter Eggs for the next days Easter Egg Hunt.

 Jenni and Stephen were in town. Jenni is due in July (I’m 98% sure!) I got to feel the baby kick! I never felt a baby kick before. It was so cool.

Faith and I ended up going to her room and talking until about midnight when Stephen and Jenni had to go to bed. 

I managed to get this Saturday off (thanks to Lisa who covered my shift, God bless her!) Linda’s funeral was this morning. I thought my last memory of her would be of her telling me how pretty I was the last time I seen her before I died. But I seen her today before her service, the coffin (which was very pretty) was open. She was so pretty! Lance (who works at the funeral home) wouldn’t let anyone else do her make-up. He wanted her to look like Linda (bless his heart!). I thought that was very nice.

After the funeral I went back to the Harris’ house. Amanda cleaned out her car and the kids played.  Then we had the Easter Egg Hunt! I helped my friend Becky with two special needs boys, Frankie and Lawson. I had met Frankie before so I helped more with him. The boys really enjoyed themselves. 🙂

I’m trying to get o the tredmill more. The weight I lost over the summer I’m starting to gain back. 😦 *tear*. But I can do ANYTHING throught Christ who strengthens me! (Phil. 4:13) I need to get this extra weight off if I want to have a healthy life and future! Some of you might disagree with me on my weigh, but FYI I’m very good and hiding it 😉 haha.

But in seriousness here, for a portion of my Senior year of High School I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to have children. I thought I did this to myself, because I had stopped caring what I put in my mouth and gained weight and a rather fast clip, I was feeling rather guilty. Most of you know I love children and would like to have my own someday (after I get a husband,  hey, lets do things in the correct order here 😉  ). So if you hear me talking about this no I’m not going on a “self-image-hating” diet. I think it our responsibilty to care for the bodies that God has intrusted us with. 🙂


Happy Easter!

(hey, sidenote, can you comment or tell me if you read this? i want a head count:P)

There are places I remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever and not for better
Some are gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With people and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
But in my life, I loved them all
But of all these friends and loved ones
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and friends that went before
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
But in my life I loved you more
Soon we’ll come to the end of life’s journey
And perhaps we’ll never meet anymore
Till we gather in heaven’s bright city
Far away on that beautiful shore
If we never meet again this side of heaven
As we struggle through this world and its strife
There’s another meeting place somewhere in heaven
By the beautiful river of life
Where the charming roses bloom forever
And separations come no more
If we never meet again this side of heaven
I will meet you on that beautiful shore

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